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Airwave, 65 c.f.m. Oil Removal Carbon Tower

£1,026.00 £855.00

Availability: In Stock

Airwave, 65 c.f.m. Oil Removal Carbon Tower is available to buy in increments of 1

Activated Carbon Towers are an “increasingly popular” addition to compressed air circuits, thanks largely to their ability to adsorb contaminants such as oil vapour and odour.

Airwave, 65 c.f.m. Oil Removal Carbon Tower

Activated Carbon Towers are an “increasingly popular” addition to compressed air circuits, thanks largely to their ability to adsorb contaminants such as oil vapour and odour.

As a result, oil levels within the compressed air can be reduced sufficiently for use in sectors where high purity levels are required, like oxygen/nitrogen generation, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, electronics and healthcare.

CLASS ‘0’ Oil Free

To achieve Class ‘0’ the air needs to be oil free.

This can be achieved with Combining the Airwave AWAC-ATK-APN  -40, Desiccant, Adsorption Dryer, with the AWAC-ATC-APN Carbon Tower, filled with high quality carbon.

Even on a fully oil lubricated screw, vane or piston compressor

This Combination will achieve better than ISO8573-1:2010 Class 1.

This will give a total concentration of oil of less than 0.003 mg/m³, which is significantly less than is normal in atmospheric air in our home and work places.

Suitable for food production, medical air and anywhere that oil free air is specified.

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Brand Airwave Air Compressors


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